Japan Prefecture Shape Quiz




This is a "quick and fun quiz game app" that allows you to guess the shape of the prefectures in Japan by selecting from four options and pressing a button.No user registration is required, and you can start right away.You can also switch between four languages (characters).1. English2. Japanese (Kanji : Chinese characters)3. Japanese (Hiragana)4. Japanese (Katakana)So, users can learn Japanese while memorizing the shapes of the prefectures in Japan.If you dont know which prefectures silhouette (shape) you are looking for in the quiz, you can use the following tips1. The population of the prefecture2. Where it is located on the map3. The emblem (symbol) of the prefecture4. The first letter (Hiragana)5. The first letter (English)After answering a question, you can look back and wonder what the answer was to the quiz question. You can also review your answers later.In addition, from My Page, you can view your "Challenge Record", which can be used to keep track of how many times you have been able to guess the shape of a prefecture in Japan.Quiz Courses10 quiz course If you want to have fun quickly, this is the best choice. 10-game quiz course is quick and easy to finish, but the shortness of the course makes it a test of your speed. You can also participate in the ranking.20 quiz course When you get used to the 10-game quiz course, you can try the 20-game quiz course.30 quiz course Its not easy to answer all 30 questions correctly, but please pay attention to the tips and try to get it right.40 quiz course If you can answer all 40 questions correctly, you are a very advanced player.47 quiz course If you can answer all the questions correctly, you are a master of the prefecture. Please answer all the questions correctly, and try to get the top ranking!This is just a simple quiz app to guess the prefecture.However, we developed this app with the aim of making it so that if you just keep pushing and doing time attacks, you will naturally remember the shapes of the prefectures.Thank you for installing our app!